Introducing Fairglow

Introducing Fairglow

5 sept. 2023

Who are you?

We are Fairglow, an environmental technology provider specialized in the cosmetic industry.

Where are you?

We are based in Paris, but are multi-national.

What do you do?

We provide detailed environmental-footprinting for cosmetic products. Which means calculating the carbon footprint, water footprint, land footprint, and many other impacts, for brands, manufacturers, or retailers of cosmetic products.

How do you do it?

We do this by combining Life Cycle Analysis data and processes with data-science techniques, and applying them to specific problems in the cosmetic industry.

Why did you start Fairglow?

A confluence of factors, ability and necessity namely. We have a team comprised of people who have worked in cosmetic product analysis, data-science and carbon footprinting for companies. Combining all the skillsets to make a company to address carbon footprinting for cosmetics was a straightforward decision. We saw that cosmetic brands needed a solution that wasn’t being offered by current services providers. And, voilà.

What makes you special?

Fairglow has several key differentiators:

  • Works with any amount of input

We know data-gaps abound in sustainability. Our technology is designed to complement incomplete data, instead of breaking when faced with data-gaps. We have a suite of models and techniques that automatically help fill in the those gaps and get carbon estimations instantly. We talk more about our conditional interpolation algorithms in our white paper.

  • We have more data

By working with cosmetics laboratories and environmental consultants, Fairglow has more data on cosmetic ingredients and processes than any other environmental footprinting company. In an industry where data is everything, this gives us a huge advantage over other environmental service providers.

  • We’re tailored to the cosmetic industry

The cosmetics industry is complicated and necessitates a focused approach to give good results. We spend all our time and effort on the cosmetics industry to make our software easier to use for brands, labs, and retailers of cosmetic goods.

What services do you provide?

We offer:

  • Individual LCA reports for single products

  • Group-wide estimations for hundreds or thousands of products

  • Laboratory coverage to understand formulation carbon footprint

  • API support

What is your skincare routine?

Fairglow doesn’t want to advertise our favorites yet, but we do have some interesting data to show regarding water vs. oil based facial cleansers that we will reveal next week that might change some things about your routine…

What are you most excited about next?

We are working with some laboratories to help them choose more sustainable ingredients in their formulations. It’s a complex topic that not only involves sustainability issues but dives deep into the chemistry of cosmetic products. We love this, because while measuring impact is great, it’s steps like these in reducing impact that really make a difference.

How Do I learn more about what Fairglow does?

Check out our white paper that helps describe our methods in detail. Please don't hesitate to contact us on LinkedIn, or via our contact page.

That’s all for now, talk soon!

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Qu'est-ce que Fairglow?

Quels sont les services offerts par Fairglow ?

Qui sont les clients de Fairglow ?

Qu'est-ce qui rend Fairglow différent ?

Pourquoi avez-vous commencé Fairglow ?

Quelle est votre routine de soins de la peau ?


Solutions de gestion du carbone pour les cosmétiques

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© 2023 France, UE et USA. Tous droits réservés.


© 2023 France, UE et USA. Tous droits réservés.


© 2023 France, UE et USA. Tous droits réservés.


© 2023 France, UE et USA. Tous droits réservés.
